Surviving, rescuing, witnessing, or losing a loved one or friend through a traumatic event such as the fire at The Station may leave people with strong physical and emotional reactions.
There are many usual and common reactions to such a trauma. Not everyone will experience all or even some of them; however, if you do, it is important to remember that for most people these reactions will diminish over time from a few days to several weeks or more.
Common Emotional Reactions
- anxiety
- fear
- guilt
- feeling irritable or angry
- sadness
- confusion
- memory loss
- feeling numb
- unwelcome thoughts or visions
- avoiding people
Common Physical/Social Reactions
- sweating
- chills
- sleep disturbances and nightmares
- fatigue
- startle easily
- eating problems
- assorted aches and pains
- excessive dependence on prescribed drugs
- increased use of alcohol and other drugs
What you can do to help yourself
- Try to talk to others about your experience. If family or friends find this too upsetting, talk with professional counselors or clergy.
- Maintain your social contacts and stay active. Try to keep your regular schedule.
- Limit your use of alcohol and other controlled substances.
- If sleep is disturbed, don’t toss and turn in bed. Read or watch TV.
- Don’t try to “think away” feelings or flashbacks. They will lessen over time.
- If your appetite is disturbed, try to eat small portions of healthy foods.
- Try to get more physical exercise.
- Engage in outlets that have value to you and bring comfort such as religion, reading, art, movies, games, hobbies.
For referrals or questions, call (401) 738-4300.